June 2020 – Celebration of Learning
The 2019-2020 school year changed the moment Premier Jason Kenney suspended classes on the 15th of March. From that point on, teachers were thrust into the position of Distributed Learning Teacher.
What occurred during the week between the announcement of the suspension of classes and the start of online classes was an astounding display of “can-do” from our teachers around Chinook’s Edge School Division.
The philosophy of Life-Long-Learning was displayed in spades throughout Chinook’s Edge. The result of this has been the creation of a number of classroom websites, and online friendly resources. This page is a celebration of the learning that was undertaken by the professionals in our school district. Your commitment to education, to your students and to your professional calling kept learning moving forward.
This page will contain a gallery of the class sites and other online resources created by our esteemed educators to keep learning moving forward. The more we share, the lighter the load! Please share your resources here!!!