Google Classroom
Information for Students
Google Classroom for Students
As we return to school after the Covid-19 spring quarantine, teachers in Chinook’s Edge will be using Google Classroom as the primary learning management system to communicate school work to students at home. Different teachers will organize their Google Classroom in different ways, just like teachers in a physical classroom approach teaching and learning differently.
How do I get on Google Classroom?
Teachers have a couple choices for how they bring students into their Google Classrooms. They may send an email to all students (this will be your email account), or they may provide an access code to students that will allow them to gain access to their Google Classroom.
Once you have been added into the Google Classroom(s), when you open Google Classroom, you will see a card for each Google Classroom you will need to have access to this school year.
If you are working away from school for any reason, be it illness, quarantine, vacation or any other period of time away from school, it is important that you check Google Classroom frequently to stay on top of your studies.
For a quick view of what work you are missing, navigate inside each classroom, select the tab “Classwork”, and then look to the top left corner of your screen. You will see a link that reads “view your work”. This will show you a list of assignments and their deadlines. If you have already submitted your work, this list will inform you of that too!

In the above image, you can see that the student has two missing assignments. The “About Me” assignment, and the “Astronomy Research”.
The other items are materials or resources; they do not have deadlines applied to them. The absence of a deadline does not mean those postings are not important; they absolutely are, and must be opened and used as per your teacher’s instructions.
What’s the Difference between “Stream” and “Classwork”?
The stream is a chronological list of everything your teacher has posted to Google Classroom. If you’ve missed a couple days of school, this is where you can see, in order, what the class did with out you.
Classwork is the space where the details of your assignments are found. This area may be organized by topic depending on the choices made by your teacher. It is not necessarily laid out in chronological order, and that can make it challenging for students to figure out what they missed at school. For day-to-day school when you are in your classroom, the “stream” is not terribly important. For students who miss some time at school, the stream is very important.
I handed something in and now I want it back to make a change
Just like a hand-in box in a physical classroom, you can remove your submitted assignment in Google Classroom. To do this, open the assignment you want to amend, look on the right hand side of you screen, and click “unsubmit”. Make the changes and turn it back in.