OCR Scanning for Read & Write and Kami

OCR = Optical Character Recognition – it means that the letters on the pdf represent letters to the software as opposed to “dots” (You know you don’t have an OCR scanned document when Kami reads “dot dot dot dot….” through the text to speech feature!)
A quick way to scan a poem, short story or other printed item for use in Kami is by using your smartphone. There are a number of other apps that can handle scanning to .pdf, but many are paid. https://mashtips.com/ocr-scanner-ios-apps/
OCR = Optical Character Recognition – it means that the letters on the pdf represent letters to the software as opposed to “dots” (You know you don’t have an OCR scanned document when Kami reads “dot dot dot dot….” through the text to speech feature!)
A quick way to scan a poem, short story or other printed item for use in Kami is by using your smartphone. There are a number of other apps that can handle scanning to .pdf, but many are paid. https://mashtips.com/ocr-scanner-ios-apps/