Prodigy Math Game

The Prodigy Math Game is well-known amongst educators for its engaging math-based games. Further, its privacy policy allows for teachers to enroll students with just first and last name.
If you choose to use it, enter your students’ first names, then give them all a generic last name. You could go with something like “Smith”, or you could use the name of your school “Blakely” or “Sutherland”. This protects their privacy as no other information will be collected with respect to the students.

Sum Dog

Sum Dog is a cool little website where students can practice math. The free version includes access to a few math games, and a new math game is always valuable in the arsenal of a teacher!
If you choose to use it, enter your students’ first names, then give them all a generic last name. You could go with something like “Smith”, or you could use the name of your school “Blakely” or “Sutherland”. This protects their privacy as no other information will be collected with respect to the students.

iPractice Math

iPractice Math uses game based principles to encourage students to learn through discovery, they also have all the usual stuff schools may like such as worksheets, lesson plans, and of course real time reporting.


Matific is a free elementary math product that consists of engaging activities and games that teach students problem solving and critical thinking through discovery. They use game based principles to encourage students to learn through discovery, and we also have all the usual stuff schools may like such as worksheets, lesson plans, and of course real time reporting. Their concept-based challenges puts students into the role of mathematician and has them thinking like mathematicians.
The Matific privacy policy states: “(For users accessing from Canada) In accordance with various Canadian provinces’ privacy legislations applicable to many of our school customers we do not store Canadian students’ personal identifiable information outside of Canada.”