Extensions Apps and Websites
Extensions, Applications and Programs
The following list contains applications and extensions currently in use in CESD, along with information teachers need to be aware of in order to use them in the classroom. The green checkmark indicates that teachers can begin use right away. The yellow pause indicates there are stipulations applied to using the app or extension in CESD’s classrooms.
These extensions have been vetted for FOIP adherence, and the presence of an app or extension here does not imply that CESD is paying for these resources. This information is intended to inform school choices regarding educational technology. If you are seeking an app or extension that is not listed here, please speak to your principal who will get the vetting process started.
The information contained here is subject to change. If you find a discrepancy (particularly in the pricing of the resource), please reach out to Michelle to have it updated.
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A free, simple sound recording tool that helps you record audio and voice right in web browssers without installing any software.
Access website and use. Audio Voice Recorder does not store your data.

Graphics, presentation, video creation tool Great for Teachers. Cannot be used with students
Use it for creating resources. Do not use with students.

A set of developer tools that allow people to develop websites that are better suited for the visually impaired.
Add the extension to your Chrome Browser and begin!

Chromebooks have a built-in screen reader called ChromeVox, which enables people with visual impairments to use the Chrome operating system.
Be aware that the app is now in maintenance mode, no new features or development will be added.

Cisco Webex is a videoconferencing tool akin to Google Meet.
We have Google Meet for use with students, so Webex should only potentially be needed by adults.
Class Dojo

Class Dojo does not meet the requirements for security around student data. FOIP protected information may be sent via email when using Class Dojo
Select a different app for your classroom. Google Classroom is our recommendation for communication, or reach out to Michelle B to discuss piloting SpacesEDU.

Classwork Zoom is an extension for Google Classroom that gives teachers more detailed information about student work than would be available through the version history of a document. Created by an English teacher who is a former computer programmer.
Free plan offers a timeline of student work in Google Classroom, shows hover views of possible pasting in the timeline and student comments. Offers a breakdown of the percentage of work done by each student. Paid version offers more features.
Go to their site and install the extension.

Collaborative mind mapping: Real-time brainstorming, add images, Drive support, save mind maps as PDF, Image, .mm, text.
The free version does not include all utilities, there are paid features to this extension.
Go to the Chrome Web Store and install.

Ed puzzle allows teachers to embed questions into YouTube videos. This forces students to actively watch and respond. Teachers can see who watched the video, how far they watched and if they watched more than one time.
Enter only student email address and first name to use this app. Remove all students at end of term. If you are wishing to connect it to your Google Classroom, you will need specific parental permission as the student last name will import.

Flipgrid is a free, accessible, and simple video discussion experience. An excellent tool to hear from students who are reluctant to speak up in class. It’s also a fantastic tool for second language assessment of oral production.
Enter student email address and first name to use this app. STUDENT LAST NAMES SHOULD BE FALSIFIED (use Johnson, Smith or some other placeholder). Remove all students at end of term.
If you wish to roster students by importing your class list from Google Classroom, you will need specific parental permission as the student last name will import.

Fractions lets students use a bar or circle to represent, compare, and perform operations with fractions with denominators from 1…
This resource is brought to you by The Math Learning Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to K-12 education since 1976.
Install the extension and begin using.

From grammar and spelling to style and tone, Grammarly helps you eliminate writing errors and find the perfect words to express yourself.
Free version offers basic writing suggestions related to spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Install the extension and begin using.

Grade Transferer is an extension that allows teachers to transfer their grades from Google Classroom into Powerschool. If you update grades, Grade Transferer automatically finds and updates the fields you need.
One week trial is free, after that, pricing is $2.49 per month.
Speak to your administrator to determine how payment for this exension will be made.

Kami is a digital Classroom app for Chrome Browser. It allows you to take any existing document, including scanned PDFs and write, draw,annotate, enhance and otherwise bring it to life – all within the browser
This app is provided by CESD to all teachers and students wishing to use the app.
Download the extension and use.

Krunker is a busy pixelated first-person shooter. In this video game, gamers drop into a pixelated world and fight other players around the world. It has no curricular value.
Redirect students to media that has learning and/or curricular value.

Nod allows team members to send real-time reactions to presenters and speakers during meetings on Google Meet
Install and use.

Helps students structure numbers to five, ten, twenty, and a hundred. Students grow from 1-by-1 counts to more efficient approaches.
Install and use.

Number Line helps students visualize number sequences and demonstrate strategies for counting, comparing, and arithmetic.
Install and use.

Develop number sense and explore addition and subtraction strategies.
Install and use.

Open in VLC™ media player extension, sends video and audio links to the well-known VLC media player.
Follow the installation instructions on the Chrome Web Store page.

Open-Dyslexic is an open sourced font created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia. Generally speaking, fonts cannot be installed into Google, but this one can be installed as a Chrome Extension.
Install extension and use.

Students use Pattern Shapes to explore geometry and fractions, create their own designs, or fill in outlines.
Install the add-on and start using it.

Add-On for Google Slides that allows teachers to embed interactive questions to the student audience.
Free service provides basic tools. Premium trials can be acquired for 60 or 90 days Individual licenses are $149.99 USD.
Install the add-on and start creating great content on the free trial. If you are seeking a subscription account, speak to your school administrator to determine who will be footing the cost.

Photopea is a free Photoshop alternative that works in your browser. You don’t need to spend money to get a quality photo editor.
Install the extension or visit the website www.photopea.com

Simple Google Meet add-on that allows you to mute and unmute yourself with a key press instead of fumbling around trying to click the icon.
Install the extension and use.

Literacy and personalized learning support for all students.
CESD provides this application to all classrooms for students and teachers.
Go ahead and begin use at any time!

Allows the Robot Mesh extension to communicate with serial or USB ports. Supports VEX Robots.
Install and use.

An adventure game that kids play and learn to code for Chrome on Windows, Mac and Linux
Install and use.

A web-powered screen reader.
App is now in maintenance mode, no new features or development will be added.

Scratch Jr is an introductory programming language that enables young children (ages 5 and up) to create their own interactive stories and games.
Scratch Junior is only available as a Google Play Store app. CESD does not support Google Play apps. The full version of Scratch is hosted online, and it is approved for use.

Seesaw gives students a place to document their learning, be creative and learn how to use technology. Each student gets their own journal and will add things to it, like photos, videos, drawings, or notes.
Free for up to 100 activities. Contact Ted for school-wide pricing information.
When setting up your classroom, students MUST log in using their CESD Google logins in order to use this resource. Add Michelle Baragar as a school administrator on your account to ensure data is stored in Canada.

Merge your PDF files easily online.
Please be aware that you can also split and merge .pdf files in Kami.
Install and use.

Text reader (TTS) that simplifies vocabulary, translates text, reads inaccessible text (OCR), and captures and cites sources.
Install and use.

Sphero Edu is your hub to create, contribute, and learn with Sphero robots. Go beyond code by incorporating unique STEAM activities to complete with your bot.
Install and use.

Master touch typing using this free game / educational program. This online program will assist you with learning and improving.
Install and use. Do not enter students’ last names into any part of this app.

Usage: on a page with video, click the VideoMirror icon. All videos on the page should mirror. Click again to undo.
Install and use.

Zoom does not encrypt video traffic or data. The company freely shares information with national Governments. Google Meet is able to provide the same features in a more safe and private environment.