Using Google Meet for Parent-Teacher Interviews

Using Google Meet for Parent-Teacher Interviews

In the past few weeks there have been a lot of changes to Google Meet. The new features they have rolled out can make managing online parent-teacher interviews much easier than what you may be expecting. Here’s a brief screencast to show you how to undertake this style of conferences without putting a large burden on your shoulders.

Major Updates to Google Meet!!

Major Updates to Google Meet!!

Google Meet is rolling out MAJOR updates this fall. In the past 6 months, Google has moved the large majority of their software engineers and coders to two products: Google Meet and Google Classroom. In this slide deck, prepared by Ted, the new features (which include a grid view of up to 49 tiles – so DELETE THE EXTENSION that you downloaded in March, as it causes HUGE problems in meet now, crashing meets frequently. (The guy who made the extension doesn’t update it any more since it’s not even needed).

But – the updates to Meet include:

  • Breakout Rooms
  • Tile up to 49 meet attendees
  • Blur background
  • Ambient noise cancellation
  • Polls/Questions
  • Private ask the teacher questions
  • Meeting Controls (only invitees can get in)
  • Jamboard (a whiteboard for teaching)