

Theatrefolk offers a large number of teaching resources for drama teachers. As the site does not offer student sign-up, there are no concerns regarding their privacy policy. According to their website:

Yes, this is actual free stuff.

No strings, no sign-ups, just good stuff for you to use in your classroom. You’re free to copy and share these documents as long as they are distributed in their entirety.

Drama Notebook

Drama Notebook

Drama Notebook hails itself as the world’s best site for Drama teachers. They have a small selection of straight-up free resources.They do offer a free trial on their library of resources to support the dramatic arts. Teachers using this resource have the choice to pay monthly or receive some savings by subscribing annually to their site.

Students do not get added on this site, so their privacy policy was not inspected for this post.

Drama Activities

Drama Activities

Drama activities provide excellent opportunities for young children to engage in storytelling, social interaction and practice communication skills. Arts on the Move has a lovely list of activities that are designed for the young learners. As this is just a resource for teacher planning, the privacy policy is inconsequential.

Gamestar Mechanic

Gamestar Mechanic

Gamestar Mechanic is an online application to allow people to build a digital game. It also teaches students how to build a game in their application through the playing of a game. The exclusive educational package is priced at $2 per student. 

Teachers using this utility can register their students using a false name (I prefer the term game name). When I was teaching, I used the student’s first name, and then a portion of my school’s name for the last name (all my students had the same last name). The only reason Gamestar even asks for names is to assist the teacher in tracking their students within the tracking features.

Examples of names could be Aidan Grandview or Tessa Fox.

Math Pickle

Math Pickle

Math Pickle is an amazing online resource containing math puzzles, games a mini-competitions, organized by grade! This site is aimed at TEACHERS. It is not a site to set your students loose on to explore, it is designed to assist teachers with math instruction and offers fantastic puzzles to challenge students to us mathematical thinking and logic to solve.